VAE : “Manager of International Development in Fashion and Luxury Industries” Post Graduate Degree
Designer : Camille Moco / ESMOD Lyon 2019
Validation of Acquired Work Experience – V.A.E. – is the possibility of obtaining a diploma registered under the National Directory of Professional Certification (RNCP).
“Manager of International Development in Fashion and Luxury Industries” Diploma, State accredited with Level 7* registration under the National Register of Professional Certifications (RNCP).

VAE Procedure
The Steps
Phase 1 / Application Form
Before you can apply, you must first fill out the Cerfa 12818*1 form (downloadable here) and send us a copy with the required documentation attesting to one year’s experience in the”field of certification” :
12 rue de la Rochefoucauld
75009 Paris
Phase 2 / Development of Booklet 2
Once your application has been judged admissible, the second step is to open the Booklet 2. This is the file through which you will demonstrate having acquired the skills required by the diploma’s reference system.
You will have between 1 and 4 meetings with our academic deans to check which skills can be validated by experience or previous education, if necessary.
The Booklet 2 contains the following:
An analysis of work experience significant to the level of development of the acquired knowledge in relation to the desired certification.
An explanation of development shown in work situations (professional or not) that allowed for new skills, aptitudes and knowledge to be acquired in another way other than in a conventional classroom.
Please Note:
ESMOD Fashion Business will provide you with an estimate at the end of these meetings if there is a need for training in one or more skills. You may choose to be trained by ESMOD Fashion Business or by any organization of your choice.
Phase 3 / Judging Panel
Once your Booklet 2 has been submitted, you will present your work before a panel of professionals. The president of the panel introduces the candidate to the members of the jury and explains the interview process, which will be carried out in two stages:
- your oral presentation
- questions and answers with the panel
You will then explain your VAE application. You may use one or more media (PowerPoint, multimedia tools, etc.) or report on all the work likely to support your presentation, if the panel has given given permission prior. Panel members will then have the opportunity to ask you questions regarding your VAE application and oral presentation.
The main purpose of the interview is to have you clarify certain aspects of your file and elaborate on its analysis. It is by no means a knowledge test or a recruitment interview.
Following the interview, the panel deliberates and discuses the various elements of the applicant, the application and oral presentation.
In the event of a partial validation, you have the possibility to present a dossier validating the previously missing elements to the jury within a maximum period of 5 years from the date of notification of the panel’s decision. Beyond that, the full procedure will have to be completely renewed.
Each validated block of skills is validated for life.
Evaluated Skills
Structure and execute strategic and opportunity based studies for the development of fashion and luxury brands internationally
- Determine suitable methodology for conducting strategic marketing studies
- Analyze the positioning of brands, services and products on certain markets and their competitors.
- Analyze the company, its market, its environment, its evolutions and its potential for growth.
- Carry out an internal and external diagnosis of development issues based on company documents.
- Analyze the evolution of the fashion or luxury markets and the economic environment,
- Anticipate changes in the fashion and luxury sectors,
- Identify possible directions for the development of a brand and act accordingly where markets allow
- Analyze the company’s brand image and its level of notoriety in different contexts
- Analyze changes in the economic and financial results of fashion and luxury brands
- Analyze the development and organizational patterns of fashion and luxury brands.
- Direct research on relevant and appropriate issues for the growth of a brand
- Identify and compare possible areas of growth for fashion and luxury brands according to strategic management strategies
- Assess a potential for commercial development in a market and with specific target audiences
- Establish forecasts for the development of fashion and luxury brands internationally.
- Interpret results of studies and research, make sense of data collected
- Select relevant and useful data in relation to information and highlight pertinent results
- Explain research findings and develop marketing strategies, explain methodology and justify findings
- Present research findings, interpret and render results comprehensible to leaders
- Point out and highlight strategic areas of development for fashion and luxury companies.
- Advise business leaders on possible paths and strategies for growth
- Compare development scenarios for brands, provide significant elements to ensure optimum growth
Supervise the implementation of business development strategies for fashion and luxury goods companies in international markets
- Target priority areas of development when putting strategies in place for fashion and luxury brands according to objectives
- Define and strategize the main lines of international development
- Determine priorities according to the stakes and specificities of target markets
- Analyze consumption patterns of international customers and study competitors’ strategies
- Design commercial and marketing strategies for the establishment of fashion and luxury goods companies in international markets.
- Target and prioritize types of marketing and commercial actions to gain a foothold in foreign markets
- Devise marketing and sales strategies adapted to specific markets.
- Develop marketing strategies for specific geographical areas, according to the maturity of the market, where a brand is established, etc.
- Calculate potential budgets for marketing and sales strategies adapted to target markets
- Determine by typology the targets and objectives of marketing and commercial strategies and policies.
- Design digital marketing strategies and exploit digital tools for international campaigns
- Anticipate implementations, validate the feasibility of strategies, anticipate the means and resources necessary to do so
- Anticipate internal organizations and service implications in the implementation of marketing and sales strategies.
- Establish a provisional development plan, determine objectives, and estimate the anticipated impact of marketing strategies.
- Define marketing strategies for fashion and luxury products adapted to specific markets.
- Pilot strategies for setting up shops, structuring online sales platforms through dedicated tools (websites, mobile applications, etc.).
- Program digital marketing actions within the framework of national and international marketing strategies.
- Establish marketing actions, structure their implementation, negotiating with service providers and anticipate the operational implementation.
- Coordinate and supervise the implementation of operational marketing actions
- Develop and adapt tools to measure the impacts and repercussions of marketing operations and evaluate returns on investment according to the market.
- Analyze successful foreign market transactions and explain discrepancies
- Illustrate through analysis the ability to anticipate the results of operations and marketing and sales strategies.
- Carry out assessments of marketing operations and strategies, measure direct and indirect benefits for a brand and/or a company.
Devise communications strategies and manage the image of fashion and luxury brands in international markets
- Structure and manage specific internal communications actions to share information related to the implementation of international brand development strategies.
- Develop and adapt tools to measure the impact and repercussions of marketing operations
- Study and analyze the performance of marketing and sales strategies on target markets and clientele.
- Define the main axes of international development strategies
- Design commercial and marketing strategies for the establishment of fashion and luxury goods companies in international markets.
- Target and prioritize types of marketing and commercial actions to gain a foothold in specific markets
- Design digital marketing strategies and exploit digital tools for international campaigns
- Develop a coherent marketing strategy, taking into account the constraints of the company and its resources
- Develop product launch strategies adapted to a brand and to targeted customers within the French and international markets.
- Define objectives associated with the different phases of a product launch
- Calculate a potential budget for marketing and sales strategies adapted to markets
- Establish marketing actions and structure their implementation,
- Definition of commercial and financial objectives associated with the different phases of these
- Develop marketing strategies for geographical areas, according to the maturity of the market, where a brand is established, etc.
- Coordinate and supervise the implementation of operational marketing actions
- Supervise negotiations with service providers and anticipate the implementation of operations
- Illustrate through analysis the ability to anticipate the results of operations and marketing and sales strategies.
- Manage strategies for setting up shops, structuring online sales platforms through dedicated tools (websites, mobile applications, etc.).
- Analyze and evaluate returns on investments
- Carry out assessments of marketing and commercial operations,
- Structure internal balance sheets and present interim results
Lead activities and manage the marketing and sales teams of fashion and luxury goods companies
- Determine objectives for external communication strategies and plans
- Develop, design, structure and direct communications campaigns,
- Develop communications strategies based on a marketing strategy and marketing objectives
- Target communications actions adapted to specific clientele
- Develop a digital marketing strategy, integrate the use of social network platforms and communities to carry out targeted campaigns.
- Lead communications department managers in the development of communications media and visuals by integrating the particularities of a market.
- Draw up provisional budgets for actions and Communication Action Plans (CAP)
- Justify proposed amounts of investment related to communications actions for business developments
- Present the anticipated impacts of communications actions
- Program advertising and promotional events
- Select suitable communications techniques and media strategies
- Validate the media strategy selected for promotional and advertising campaigns
- Write specifications, negotiating services with specialized agencies
- Validate contents, messages, elements of communications operations
- Direct the work of agencies according to communications objectives
- Determine objectives for digital communications strategies
- Structure and manage teams according to objectives linked to digital communications
- Create, develop and facilitate communities around fashion and luxury brands and products.
- Lead public relations operations, manage relations with the press and media,
- Design public relations events linked to brand development/launch objectives in certain markets
- Control external communications, anticipate crisis communications needs
- Establish budgets for press and public relations management
- Exploit internal company information systems for communications actions
- Determine the level and types of information to be shared internally in relation to strategies for growth
Academic Review Board
This committee that will be in charge of examining a candidate’s file, advising and orienting them. It is comprised of the following individuals:
- Caroline Bouquin, Curriculum Coordinator
- Paul Marchand, Fashion Design Development Manager
- Tamara Moreno, Patter-Making Development Manager
The only condition to validate the acquired experience is to prove at least 1 year of paid, unpaid, voluntary professional experience directly related to the certification in question.
Attention: a candidate can only submit one application within the same calendar year, for the same diploma and a maximum of three applications within the same calendar year, for different certificates or diplomas.
In order to obtain the certification, a candidate for a VAE must validate each of the 3 sets of certified skills listed for the “Creative Director” degree by his/her professional experience or previous education, if applicable.
Each competency set can be obtained individually. A certificate is awarded to the candidate for each block. Obtaining all 3 sets allows the degree to be obtained.