ESMOD Earth Week
ESMOD Beijing, Beirut, Bordeaux, Dubai, Damas, Guangzhou, Istanbul, Jakarta, Kuala-Lumpur, Lyon, , Oslo, Paris 9, Paris Pantin, Rennes, Roubaix, Séoul, Sousse, Tokyo, Tunis • NEWS International
ESMOD, in honor of Earth Day, is taking the opportunity to echo our support of sustainable fashion and any efforts in support of this cause by organizing ESMOD Earth Week from April 19th to 23rd. You’ll find this event running on our website, blogs and social media platforms.
© Eva Meulot / Photo : Jeremy Melloul
ESMOD, in honor of Earth Day, is taking the opportunity to echo our support of sustainable fashion and any efforts in support of this cause by organizing ESMOD Earth Week from April 19th to 23rd. You’ll find this event running on our website, blogs and social media platforms.
Since our school’s beginning in 1841, engaged citizenship has been at our core. Our founder, Alexis Lavigne, defended the rights of 19th century garment workers in Paris, making it possible for many to improve their skills and command higher wages and better working conditions.
Today, we provide training that responds to the needs of the 21st century apparel industry, which must reduce its severe environmental and social impacts. ESMOD students learn the true cost of clothes, including the environmental and social effects. Inspired to find creative solutions to seemingly intractable problems, they make well-informed choices of materials,“ upcycle”, and practice zero -waste pattern -making, resulting in work of which we can all be proud, and that sweeps up prizes in design competitions.
The continual renewal of our curriculum to include the latest innovations in materials and methods, our partnerships with major players in sustainable fashion, and the blog ESMOD ACT, all contribute to allowing ESMOD France and our branches abroad to educate eco-conscious students who are also “eco-capable”, so that tomorrow’s fashion industry will be led by people who will affect necessary change. They have already begun, in companies around the world.
ESMOD schools are celebrating the beginning of a new half century since the first Earth Day with new events each day during ESMOD Earth Week from April 19th to 23rd, on our website, blogs and social media platforms.
On the agenda: presenting ecological and ethical student work, interviews, videos of sustainable fashion collections, IG lives with our eco-conscious & entrepreneurial alumni, industry professionals’ testimonials, a presentation of our sustainable fashion summer course, a green fashion quiz and more! All of this in an effort to take stock of what we can do to make the fashion industry cleaner and more responsible.
Join us on our social media platforms to follow eco-conscious fashion events in ESMOD’s French schools in Paris, Lille-Roubaix, Lyon, Rennes, and Bordeaux, and around the world, at ESMOD in Tokyo, Seoul, Beijing, Guangzhou, Kuala-Lumpur, Jakarta, Dubai, Beirut, Istanbul, Damascus, Tunis, Sousse, Oslo.)
On The Agenda
Monday April 19th: Eco-Responsible Sweatshirt Designs by 1st Year Students
As part of the 1st year Fashion Design curriculum, ESMOD International students are tasked with creating a wardrobe staple: the sweatshirt. To do this, the school requires students to work with monochrome materials, in order to better appreciate the details and the care taken in making the product. The project also requires the use of upcycled materials. Far from being a limiting, the use of recycled materials allows for further development, both creatively and technically. In the end, our imaginative students always manage to give their designs their own unique signature. (on ESMOD Act)

Tuesday April 20th: Spotlight on Eco-Conscious Student Projects
Presentation of the upcycled and eco-conscious collections created by students in France and around the world: photo shoots, videos, interviews with students about their concepts, research and methods. (on Youtube & ESMOD Act)
Zero Waste Project : creation of tops and blouses from a rectangular base, which creates an optimization of pattern placement resulting in scraps that are more usable. (learn more on the ESMOD Act blog)
Instagram Live @esmodfashionbusiness at 6pm (Paris time) featuring Frédéric Robert, ESMOD Fashion Business Lecturer, who also created his brand MeLand which is launching “Vivace,” the first vegan eco-designed sneakers. During that last ‘Business Marathon,’ our students worked on the creative brief for his Ulule campaign.
Presentation of the upcycling projects from ESMOD Lyon students, created in partnership with Olympique Lyonnais. (on ESMOD Act)
Presentation of eco-conscious collections designed by 3rd year students (on Youtube)
Presentation of the upcycled clothing collections ESMOD Roubaix students created for charity (on ESMOD Act)

Wednesday April 21st: Focus on Alumni and Their Eco-Responsible Entrepreneurial Endeavors
Instagram Live @esmodparis at 6pm featuring Lucile Trouette – UNREST : a line of activewear made with natural materials that has launched its crowdfunding campaign on ULULE.
Youtube @esmodfrance Mélanie Viallon, founder of Team Edmond, speaks about the concepts of Zero Waste as well as customer insight on eco-responsible fashion. (in French)
Thursday April 22nd: EARTH DAY!
Launch of ESMOD’s podcast featuring Mary Nino, Head of CSR at ESMOD (on Esmod Act)
Video presentation of ESMOD Lyon’s student-run Eco Club (on Youtube)
Instagram Live @esmodfashionbusiness at 6pm (Paris time) featuring Louise Jambon, Class of 2019, who will tell us about her career and specifically these 2 initiatives: https://yourstudios.fr vintage boutique and co-founding https://modeeuropeenne.org . La Mode Européenne (European Fashion) is a chain of boutiques in Africa that make products thanks to material donations.
Friday April 23rd: Spotlight on Eco-Responsible Textiles
The Textile Guide (ESMOD Editions) by Florence Ferrari (YouTube) and a focus on eco-conscious textile partnerships