Soufiane Jojo
Product Development Manager at SANDRO
ESMOD training remains a good asset on the job market, it opens doors more easily.
ESMOD Paris - class of 2009

What was your background before joining ESMOD? Did you always want to work in fashion?
With my baccalaureate in my pocket, I decided to leave my native Morocco to do my higher education in France. I first began with two years of studies in the Faculty of Pharmacy in Bordeaux, then I got bored, my creative spirit was a bit suffocating. So I took the decision to leave the Faculty to enroll in ESMOD Bordeaux, this change was not a coincidence but the realization of a childhood dream and a growing passion. It was time for me to do what I really enjoyed doing!
Let's look back at your education at ESMOD: What kind of student were you? What are your best (or worst) memories?
The 4 years I spent at ESMOD will remain engraved in my memory forever. I was a rather assiduous student, very hard-working and I always put my heart into my work. Not always wise, sometimes rebellious, in spite of everything. In the end, I have very good memories of endless sleepless nights and very stressful days, but my best memory remains the day of the awards ceremony at the end of the 3rd year, a surprising and very moving moment: I didn’t expect to get so many awards, it was for me the crowning glory of 3 years of intensive work, “the consecration”! That’s what made me want to take the plunge for another year and that’s how I entered the “Master of Arts” in 2008. I must not forget either that ESMOD allowed me to meet my two best friends, Ahmed and Maxime, my companions on the road for 7 years!
What makes ESMOD special, what do you think its strong points are?
ESMOD’s strength lies first and foremost in the quality of its education, in a real place of experimentation: ESMOD is like a big research laboratory where mad scientists from the four corners of the world come together. There is a working atmosphere that encourages the blossoming of talent. You learn to be rigorous and to surpass yourself. ESMOD training remains a good asset on the job market, it opens doors more easily.
Tell us about your career path after ESMOD, your duties and responsibilities…
After my Master’s degree at ESMOD, things followed one another very quickly, I worked at Givenchy, as an assistant fashion designer in the women’s studio, then as a muslin maker for Yves Salomon Fourrure, before finally joining the team at the Sandro Paris design studio 5 years ago. Today I am in charge of product development, I accompany stylists in the elaboration of models, from creation to arrival in the store.