Evin Tison
Fashion Designer at Viktor&Rolf
The competitions, internships, the contact with the fashion professionals, and also the communication begin the construction of a personal path anchored in the reality of the society and market.
“Fashion Designer” Undergraduate Program
ESMOD Roubaix - class of 2015

What was your path before coming to ESMOD?
I was studying in the fine arts I then applied to ESMOD for the undergraduate program in fashion design and creation.
Did you always know you wanted to work in the fashion?
Since my childhood, I participated in a drawing atelier every Wednesday. I had a lot of fun create and make outfits for the dolls. A little older, I had this passion for fashion photography and the touch up. I would draw models with outfits that I would imagine. By going to fashion shows, I got to meet cloth and jewelry designers and I got my first internship in my senior year. I got to really immerge for the first time in the real fashion world. I sew scarfs, gloves, sleeves, make a dress by draping, create accessories, greet customers, expose my works, etc… for my finals, I decided to chose a fashion design project from a fashion show. I enjoyed it and it comforted the desire to evolve in this area.
Let’s talk about your school at ESMOD, what type of student were you? What are your best (or worst) memories?
I think after asking myself a lot of questions (giggle) but moreover to do well, I took the creative risk that made me doubt on coming to reach an end to their realization. The best memories? The fact that there is a world and people that has the same aspiration, a familiar, rigorous and demanding vibe. The whole staffs, teachers and even the principal search to find the best within each student by supporting us in times of doubts.
A great moment was also the selection of my “skeleton dress” proposition, inspired by Maya for the 2013 chocolate salon with the “new world” as the theme or even for the creation of a tutu as a part of the Mons 2015 European capital of the culture show. The fashion show of the 3rd is of course my selection as an image of international ESMOD-ISEM for 2015-2016, and these are my favorite memories.
The worst memories: the sleepless nights, simultaneously managing the many projects, the respect of the late submissions with sometimes an ambition too big, and organizing the tasks necessary to make other students participate (for an example, the tutu). But happily the joy of the result!
According to you, what is ESMOD’s specialty?
First of all, the double studies of stylism and modelism, consist for me a fundamental package. The interaction of the two helps us to grow in our creativity and allows us to idealize the reality and to realize the ideal. To make it clear, a stylist has to know how to sew clothes that he/she draws. The history of fashion and marketing enlarges our field of vision and it brings perspectives for our future development. It consists of a professional education. The competitions, internships, the contact with the fashion professionals, and also the communication begin the construction of a personal path anchored in the reality of the society and market. Lastly, the 3rd year offers the culmination apotheosis of our projects, by the making of the pieces that we imagined.
Tell us about your career after ESMOD...
I did the first internship of my course, in 2nd year, at Courrèges, in the creation studio. This experience really brought me to deepen the functioning of the studio. In the 3rd year, I focused my research on innovative techniques and products, which brought me to the studio of iris Van Herpen, in Amsterdam. An unforgettable experience that helped me integrate, as my first job, the studios of Viktor & Rolf, as a stylist, where I still work.
My career path also encouraged the Director of ESMOD Roubaix to choose me as patron of the 2019 class, in order to share my very recent experience with the graduates.