ESMOD Paris Fashion Show on Oct 8
On October 8th, the end-of-year fashion show for the Fashion Design Class of 2020 was held at the ESMOD Fashion Business campus in Pantin. Although the government’s restrictions relating to the current health crisis prevented us from hosting an outside audience for the show, it was nevertheless a great success on our social media. In fact, ESMOD Paris had planned a live broadcast on Youtube including video clips made by the students, interviews, etc. as well as the three fashion shows, grouped by specialization, that were held from 2:30pm to 7:30pm. The three shows were also broadcast live on Facebook.
In all, there were more than 6800 views on Youtube et 29756 people saw the show on Facebook. People from all over the world tuned in to see the show, proving the school’s reach truly is international. Betting on digital was therefore a successful gamble, and gave this event the greatness it deserved despite the current restrictions due to the pandemic. This proved to be a wonderful way to bring the students closer to their family and friends.
Each fashion show was followed by a graduation ceremony, which was also broadcast live. This was an opportunity to name the valedictorian of each class, award the favorite collections as well as the Lectra and Okayama prizes, and name the student who received the Golden Needle, ESMOD’s honor for the most exemplary student. (see the list of winners in the appendix)
ESMOD once again congratulates all of the students from the Class of 2020. Despite the hardships, they did not fall short when creating and presenting their collections before the professional jury panels that were held on Sept 22-24. Congratulations and thank you also to the ESMOD professors, who continuously supported and guided this graduating class throughout this unique year!
See the list of valedictorians, favorites, and prizes awarded to the Class of 2020